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Ahhhh. The sounds of summer: the crash of ocean waves, the crackle and bang of Fourth of July fireworks, the sizzle of burgers on the grill.

Unfortunately, the sounds of summer also include the whine of pesky mosquitoes. But there’s plenty you can do to turn down the volume of that buzz so you can enjoy the lazy, hazy days of summer.

Learning how to kill mosquitoes naturally is important beyond ensuring a comfortable backyard cookout. Mosquitoes present a health risk to everyone in the family — even Fido. Mosquito-borne diseases — which kill one million people worldwide every year — include malaria, yellow fever, encephalitis and, more commonly in the United States, West Nile Virus. Mosquitoes also carry heartworm, a life-threatening disease for dogs.

So, it’s worth the effort to control and kill mosquitoes around your house and to reduce your risk of getting bit. Here are some tips for mosquito control:

Don’t give mosquitoes a nearby place to breed

Most mosquitoes can fly no more than one to three miles, and some mosquitoes such as the Asian tiger mosquito have a flight range of just 100 yards or so. So they’re always looking for a place to land or a place to lay eggs, and water is an attractive option.

Eliminate standing water where mosquitoes breed by emptying the saucers for plants, hauling off old tires, cleaning rain gutters and frequently changing the water in birdbaths. Don’t leave pet bowls filled with water outside when your pets are indoors. Look out for water that gathers in pool covers, buckets and trash cans.

Walk around your property with an eye for puddles. Fix the problem, and mosquitoes won’t have a place to lay eggs.

Stock ornamental ponds with mosquito fish that eat the larva or treat them with larvicide mosquito rings sold at home and garden stores.

Don’t give mosquitoes a place to hang out during the day

Like their fellow bloodsuckers, vampires, adult mosquitoes rest during daylight. Mosquitoes spend daylight hours hiding among vegetation. Reduce mosquito shelter in your yard by trimming weeds and keep the grass short.

Spraying the lower limbs of shade trees, shrubs and other plants with home-use products containing deltamethrin and lambda-cyhalothrin can reduce the adult mosquito population, according to the American Mosquito Control Association.

Plant some natural repellents

You can grow a garden full of your own pest control by choosing plants that naturally keep mosquitoes at bay. There are all sorts of lovely herbs and flowers that look great but also have powerful repellent properties. An added plus: most of these plants also fight back against flies, gnats, no-see-ums and other pesky insects that make being outdoors not so fun in summer.

Some herbs to consider: basil, lavender, lemongrass, lemon thyme, mint, rosemary and lemon balm. If flowers sound more appealing, try marigolds or common lantanas.

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One discovery being backed by science is that bitter leaf and scent leaf combined with normal routine diabetes medications drastically reduce sugar levels in people with diabetes.

In a new study, researchers found that the combination of these extracts with normal routine medications had better sugar level control when compared with only routine medication usage. Aside this, the use of two herbs also seemed to mitigate some symptoms of diabetes.

The study indicated that patients on both bitter leaf and scent leaf extracts had better blood sugar control when compared with those that had only one extract administered or those that served as controls and didn’t receive the extracts.

For the study, a total of 38 diabetic patients were enrolled within the Rumuepirikom community in Obio Akpor Local Government Area of Rivers State for the study done over a four-week duration

Disease duration in each patient was roughly estimated from the time the disease was clinically diagnosed by medical personnel and all the patients had some basic investigations carried out before the commencement of the study.

Each patient was assigned to one of six groups based on age of onset of the disease, disease duration in the individual and the severity of the disease in the patient.

Their daily fasting blood sugar levels were monitored and extracts of both leaves daily obtained naturally by water extraction were administered to them accordingly.

Some groups had the extracts administered alone; some had the extracts given alongside their routine anti-diabetic medication while some served as control.

The 2018 study, published in the International Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Processes, involved Udeh Winifred and Mene Alexander at the University of Port Harcourt.

The study showed that patients on both Bitter leaf and scent leaf extracts combined had better  blood sugar control when compared with those that had only one extract administered solely or those that served as control and didn’t receive the extracts at all.

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Teeth are an important part of physical appearance for many people, and they want to show a bright white smile. However, a new study reveals that many tooth whitening products can damage the teeth.

New research reveals why we should treat tooth whitening products with caution.

Studies have shown that most human teeth are not naturally pearl-white. In reality, most teeth are different shades and hues that tend towards yellow. Nor are teeth uniformly colored.

Despite this, there is an idea — which is especially prominent in North American societies — that perfectly white teeth are a symbol of beauty and self-care.

For this reason, many people opt to whiten their teeth, either on their own or with the help of a cosmetic dentist.

Statistic reports indicate that about 40.5 million people in the United States used tooth whitening products in 2018.

Various studies now show that whitening teeth with bleaching products that contain hydrogen peroxide can endanger tooth health.

Researchers from Stockton University in Galloway, NJ, aimed to find out exactly how hydrogen peroxide harms the teeth, and which part of a tooth it attacks.

The research — which was led by Kelly Keenan, an associate professor of chemistry at Stockton University — will feature at the Experimental Biology 2019 meeting, which is part of the annual meeting of the American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Orlando, FL.

Bleach attacks sensitive tooth layer

Specifically, the researchers looked at how whitening strips, which people can buy over-the-counter, damage one of the teeth’s three layers.

Dental whitening strips typically contain hydrogen peroxide as the main active ingredient. This substance is an oxidizing agent that some people use a sterilizer, although more people may know it as a color-lightening agent. This is also the main substance that people use to bleach hair.

If a person overuses or uses too much of this substance to lighten hair color, it can cause “significant damage” to the hair and scalp.

Now, Keenan and team have discovered how hydrogen peroxide damages dentin, the “middle” layer of teeth. A tooth contains three different layers: a shiny enamel external one, a dentin layer in the middle, and an inner layer that is mainly connective tissue, which helps keep the tooth safely in place.

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